"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." |
A well-known saying is that “All good things come in threes” so after Hurricane Isaac in Miami and Cyclone Oswald in Brisbane it was time for the third encounter with Mother Nature’s rainy show. We got the news of a cyclone hitting the northeast coast of Australia when we were on the flight to Cairns. … Continue reading
I know many of you will argue my opinion when I’m saying Sydney is probably the most livable city in the world, but when you fall in love for someone (in this case the city), it doesn’t matter what everyone else tells you :=).
The Sunshine Coast and the Gold Coast The Sunshine Coast and the Gold Coast are both the perfect regions for spending a holiday. While the Sunshine Coast is mainly visited by families because of the nice and quiet beaches, the Gold Coast is world wide known for good surfing beaches and even has a town … Continue reading
We just returned from Fraser Island and can say that we added something to the top 10 best places we have visited so far because this island is outstanding. We actually went there twice, but because the first time was right before cyclone Oswald hit Australia, it was raining all the time but we knew … Continue reading
“Explore the possibilities” is the motto of the island of Tasmania. And this place has tons of possibilities to explore. Unfortunately we stayed just one week on the small island that the Aussies call Tassie but it’s for sure a place where we will return some day.
Whenever you thank an Aussie for something he will answer with “No worries, mate”. It looks like the Australians are always in a good mood and never have any worries, but with the most beautiful nature, most pristine beaches and nice weather all year round, why would they. And The Great Ocean Road is definitely … Continue reading
When we made the plan for the trip around the world one thing was certain from the beginning and that was spending New Year’s Eve in Sydney. I knew the city has many attractions but I didn’t expect it to become my new top favorite city. This city is incredible, you have tons of things … Continue reading