"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." |
“Explore the possibilities” is the motto of the island of Tasmania. And this place has tons of possibilities to explore. Unfortunately we stayed just one week on the small island that the Aussies call Tassie but it’s for sure a place where we will return some day.
This week was full of memorable experiences. We started it by driving to the incredible Bay of Fires with its stunning beaches. It is called “The Bay of Fires” because the rocks on the beach have a redish color and when the first people from overseas came they had the impression that the rocks were on fire. Another superb place we visited was the Freycinet National Park with the top attraction being the beach called Wineglass Bay because of its shape. The pictures of the beach from the hill nearby are for sure on the nicest pictures that I’ve taken so far.
Australia is not famous for its mountains but if going to Tasmania it is a must to do at least one hike in the Cradle Mountains. We did the classic hike around the Dove Lake and the view from the peak of the mountains over the Tasmanian outback was definitely worth it.
But Tasmania is not only about beaches. The wildlife that you can see here is amazing. We saw hundreds of kangaroos and wallabies, we saw wombats, opossums. We also went to a Wildlife Park (which is not a zoo) where we could pet wombats and see the famous Tasmanian devil. The animals are all very friendly and especially the kangaroos and wallabies are used to people. One even approached us on the beach of the Wineglass Bay and followed us when we wanted to leave.
Then there are the fruits from Tasmania, especially the cherries which are so sweet and huge that you cannot stop eating. I think I have never eaten so many cherries in my life, probably 1 kilo of cherries per day.
We also went to a honey farm or better said to a shop where you can find everything made out of honey. They had free tastings of the honey and with over fifty (50) types of honey you can imagine how much time we spent there. I could not have ever imagined that mixes of honey with so many fruits or veggies can be so tasty. I bought a mix of honey with chili which is very good to eat with cheese or can be used as a salad dressing. We also went to a butchery specialized on European sausages where we tasted a couple of them. The owner was a German and he told us about each of the types of sausages and also how he won an international contest for sausages with a special sausage made out of wallaby meat.
Next stop
Ce simpatic e Taz din Tazmania!
Morocanos asa,dar vad se lasa la dragalit.Iar poza 39 cu Diana si wallabie-ul e de pus in National Geo.
Da, ii si una din pozele noastre preferate. Wallabiul de fapt se scarpina, dar arata ca si cum s-ar fi intors la pozat
Foarte faine peisajele! Poza 42 ii tare! Mi-ati facut pofta de cirese!
Oai nu mai imi spune, ca unde suntem acuma nu au cirese asa bune si le caut ca un dependent
dar nu-i spune la Furca ca-s dependent de ele