"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." |
Our trip was really great till now but what made it perfect were the people that we met. That was also the case in Calgary were we met Sarah and her lovely family. Sarah’s parents were fabulous and treated us like their own children and made us feel like home. Sarah actually hosted us twice, once when we flew in to Calgary and the second time when we returned from Banff and Jasper. On Saturday she took us sailing to the Glenmore Reservoir where she works over the summer as a sailing instructor. Sailing there was awesome, more about it in the “amazing thing” chapter. Thanks Sarah!
Now a little bit about Calgary and what we managed to see there on our short visit. Calgary is the fastest growing city in North America being called “The new Toronto” of the “New West”. Calgary’s boom started when oil was discovered in the Alberta province. That meant that the population of Calgary grew from 127 thousands in 1951 to currently over 1.2 million. Downtown Calgary is trying to match the one in Toronto with new skyscrapers belonging mainly to oil companies and there is even a TV tower that looks similar to the one in Toronto. It also has a glass floor and we could not miss the opportunity to go up and take some pictures on it and I can say the feeling is even scarier than the one in Toronto because this one has also a glass wall behind so you have a more real feeling of floating in the air.
We also took a tour of the Heritage Park Historical Village which is a museum which shows how the people in Alberta lived in the early 20th century. The people that walk on the streets of the park are also dressed in historic costumes and most of the houses are historical ones.
Another highlight in Calgary was trying a steak of the famous Alberta beef. Alberta is very famous for its beef steakes which according to the “Lonely Planet” guide are the “crème de la crème” so by entering a steak house for lunch or dinner you do everything right.
One amazing thing we’ve seen or done
I already wrote that Sarah took us to a sailing round on Saturday. It was great but the best part is that it was the first time when I tried trapeze sailing which is AWESOME. It’s not only the most amazing thing I’ve done in Calgary but it’s definitely one of the most amazing things I’ve ever done. When trapeze sailing you have a harness which is hooked on a wire that comes from a high point on the mast and you actually stay on the edge of the boat, parallel to the water and try to keep the boat flat and balanced by straightening your knees to counterbalance the wind power. I know my description does not make it seem amazing but trust me when I say that the adrenaline that you get is awesome as you are floating with your body parallel to the water. Take a look at the video but unfortunately it didn’t capture the part where we had the most wind.
Awesome, Terrific, Ridiculous
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Viel Spaß noch!
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