"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." |
Oh my… this is one of the craziest places I’ve seen. And before somebody asks…. “No, we did not get married in Vegas”
Before going there I thought it will be just a place with lots of kitschy stuff. But now I’m so glad that we went there and can say for sure that this is definitely one of the places that I will visit again. You can easily spend 1-2 weeks here without getting bored as you have a lot of entertainment options starting from gambling (what a surprise) to concerts and shows everywhere and tons of restaurants or you can just stay at the pool and relax. And where else can you see the Eiffel Tower, the pyramids, take a ride with the gondola under the Rialto Bridge, see the Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building and the Brooklyn Bridge and go to the Colloseum all in one day?
The hotels and the casinos are unbelievable; here you can see probably the most luxurious hotels in the world. The “Caesars Palace”, “Bellagio”, “The Venetian” and “The Mirage” are at the top of the list. The “Caesars Palace” tops them all being like a city where you can easily get lost. And in the evening you have the famous shows of the Bellagio Fountains and the “Volcano Show” at the Mirage.
Coming back to gambling, I had to measure my poker skills with the best so I went to four poker tournaments. At three I made it to the final table and at 2 I even came out on the 4th place but unfortunately only the first 3 places were rewarded but I had a lot of fun as everybody was joking at the tables and having a great time and I also learned a little bit more about the game because there were a lot of players playing very aggressive.
We also couldn’t miss the chance to go to a concert of Celine Dion and were so lucky to get very good tickets on the last day. We have been at one of her concerts before in Stuttgart but this one was at a different level. The show was just incredible. I couldn’t record anything because cameras were not allowed inside but I linked a video from youtube, so take a look if you want.
One amazing thing we’ve seen or done
Mother, please don’t read this…
Las Vegas is just crazy and like I said you have a lot of entertainment options there but there’s one that beats them all. It’s the Stratosphere Tower where you have at the top, at 260 meters, 3 crazy rides. But what even beats these rides is jumping from the edge of the tower in an almost free fall all the 260 meters. And guess what, I did it… I jumped. It’s definitely the craziest thing I have ever done and I enjoyed every one of the 17 seconds of the fall. Take a look at the videos.
Next stop
Grand Canyon, Antelope Canyon and Bryce National Park
Ohhh ….. frumos! Nu puteai sa o ratezi pe prietena ta, Celine
Te lasa sa faci poze in cazino sau le-ai facut pe sustache ?
Cat despre sarituta … foarte tare. Astept sa vad una cu capul in jos
Distractie faina in continuare!
Merci mult.
Eu n-am intrebat ca nu vroiam sa aud raspunsul si le-am facut direct
Pentru saritura cu capul in jos trebuie sa mai astept ca mi s-a terminat doza de curaj pe 1 an
Nu stim cat de tare te-ai distrat tu sarind de pe bloc, dar noi cu siguranta ne-am distrat privindu-te
Zice Dorin ca astepta sa vada daca se rupe sau nu coarda
Distractie placuta in continuare,va urmarim pe blog.
Eliza si Dorin
Merci Eliza,
M-am ingrasat eu putin pe aici dar nici chiar asa sa se rupa coarda
fain luxoru… sa mergeti si la ala de la mama lui ca ii si mai fain, mai ales daca tii cont de “ospitalitatea” locala
Stiu ca te-ai enervat atunci pe “ospitalitatea” lor
super fain totul ! distractie placuta in continuare si sa veniti apoi la deva sa vedeti minunea de fantana arteziana, care seamana cu cea din las vegas:)
merci! i-auzi acolo
unde or plantat-o, langa Ulpia unde era aia veche?
e chiar in centru in fata casei de cultura.. e frumos mai ales seara intre 21:30 si 22:00 cand porneste si muzica!