"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." |
All the three canyons Grand, Antelope and Bryce are real wonders of nature.
Grand Canyon has three rims that are accessible for tourists and after leaving Las Vegas we headed for the West Rim which is not the most beautiful of the rims but it is home to the famous Grand Canyon Skywalk. Unfortunately the weather was not good there as it started to lighten and because of this the authorities decided to close the Skywalk. So we drove further to the South Rim which is supposed to be the nicest and most accessible of the three. Here, the National Park is very well organized and you can park your car at special places and afterwards there are shuttle buses to a ton of nice viewpoints or you can just go hiking along the rim. When we first got off the shuttle bus at the first view point and turned around we didn’t expect the feeling that was about to happen. We both were so amazed that I think we just stood there with our mouth open without saying anything for more than a minute. I think the first look of the Grand Canyon is one of those moments which you will remember for the rest of your life. It doesn’t make a difference if you saw hundreds of pictures of the canyon before because the live view cannot be compared to any of the pictures because the canyon is incredible huge.
After 2 days at the South Rim we headed to Page where we took some nice pictures at the Horseshoe Bend viewpoint. But the main reason for going to Page was the Antelope Canyon which is situated in a territory controlled by the Navajo Indian Tribe. It’s not as spectacular as the Grand Canyon and it’s very small but it’s a must for photographers. What make it so famous are the pictures that can be shot here. The canyon is very narrow as you can barely walk through it and because of the shape of the rocks and the light beams that enter the canyon you can shoot amazing pictures with lots of colors and shapes. Take a look at the pictures.
The last National Park that we visited was Bryce who is also very spectacular because of the rock formations that look like chess figures or like people. The chess figures received their shape due to weather conditions and stream erosions of the river.
One amazing thing we’ve seen or done
Like I said, the Grand Canyon is really a breath taking place so we took advantage of being there and booked a helicopter tour to see it from above. The view was amazing though I did not expect a helicopter to be so unstable as you could feel every change of wind
Next stop
Miami, Florida
Grand Canyon
Antelope Canyon
Bryce Canyon
Foarte fain Bryce Canyon, chiar ai impresia ca sunt niste statui de regi.
foarte tare grand canion… poza 44 face toti banii
O facut-o fotograful sef, Frau Luca. Incepe sa invete
ma, voi dupa ce va intoarceti din excursia asta o sa veniti in fiecare seara acasa de la lucru si cu buza tremuranda o sa va uitat la poze cu ochii umezi… asta pana faceti un plod, ca atunci incepe alta excursie
Mi-e tare frica sa n-ai dreptate. Vorbesc in principal de prima parte
ce ma deja va ganditi sa nu va mai intoarceti veci la lucru…. muhahahaha
distractie faina atunci
sublime pozele, in special ultima -47- din grand canion e magnifica. bravo voua pentru curajul care l-ati avut sa faceti excursia asta… “it worth every penny”
Merci de urari! Locul ala chiar era super fain, ii zice horseshoe bend si ca sa poti sa incadrezi aproape toata curbura trebuie sa mergi pana pe marginea stancii si sub tine ii o prapastie de peste 500m.
super tare ! si noi am fost pe transalpina si e la fel de spectaculos, doar ca esti in masina si esti la vreo 1600 m si in jos haul-fara parapeti, cu o gramada de masini mari- ma refer inclusic la camioane- care te incurca rau in curbele alea. dar e fascinant ! dsitractie faina in continuare! live for the moment