"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." |
In Arequipa we stayed a lot longer than we initially planned because we went to a Spanish course for one week. We also decided to stay with an Arequipan family because the Spanish school has a list of families which are recommended to the students. The family which hosted us was really friendly and we also got the opportunity to improve our Spanish knowledge in our spare time. The Spanish School was recommended to us by Jochen and Christina who we met in Huacachina at the sand buggy tour and we also went together to the hiking tour in Canon del Colca. It’s so funny because Jochen and I worked for 4 month on the same project and on the same floor in the same building but did not meet each other before the trip to South America.
Arequipa is a very nice city at the base of two volcanos and has a nice little old town and lots of ancient small streets. Arequipa has a couple of nice specific dishes which we couldn’t miss. The main ones are Fried Cuy (Guinea Pig) and Rocoto Relleno which is now part of my list of favorite dishes. The fried guinea pig was very good and tasted a little bit like a sweet chicken meat. We were so delighted about the Arequipan cuisine that we also went to a cooking course on one day. And here we also had the opportunity to cook Rocoto Relleno. It’s a very spicy sort of pepper which should be cooked 3 times in order for it to be eatable, otherwise it’s too spicy. This pepper is then stuffed with a mix of pork and beef meat, onion, garlic, smashed peanuts and biscuits and a lot of different spices. The taste is insane.
On one evening we were invited by Max, the Swiss owner of the Spanish school to his house to play cards and taste the Peruvian Pisco Sour. It’s funny that we learnt Jassen which is one of the Swiss national sports, exactly in the opposite corner of the world.
One amazing thing we’ve seen or done
I find that the Arequipan cuisine is the most amazing thing for this stop.
Next stop
Cuzco and Machu Picchu
Super faina ideea de a amesteca vizitatul de locuri noi cu niste cursuri de limba si de gatit pentru ca practic genul asta de activitati transforma o simpla calatorie cu obiective bifate pe o lista intr-o aventura umana pe care nu o sa o uitati niciodata.
Orasul arata foarte fain. Cat despre porcusorul de Guineea, este o aparitie in farfurie
Domnul Luca, sunt convins ca dupa doua ture, de incalzire, i-ai batut mar la Jassen. Pritenii stiu de ce
Bafta in continuare!
nu ti-o facut ala niciodata code review in 4 luni?
Super fain! Mi-ati facut pofta de duca. Da-i ok, ca ma duc maine… la serviciu…
Distractie faina in continuare!
Lasa ca dupa ce ne intoarcem o sa incerc sa gatesc si eu Rocoto Relleno si va spun de pe acuma ca sunteti invitati la masa