"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." |
This region is one of the most beautiful ones in Chile and probably one of the top things to see in South America. It’s the Chileans’ favorite place to spend a vacation because here you have tons of options to spend your time. You can go horse riding, which we did. It was very nice as it was just the two of us and the guide so we had time to enjoy the nature. Because it was our first time we went horse riding we needed some time to learn how to “drive” the horses but afterwards we had so much fun in telling the horses how fast to run.
Then I went rafting on a river with class IV and V rapids which was awesome. The rafting tour was definitely comparable if not better than the one on the Ottawa River in Canada. On another day we went hiking in the National Park Huerquehue. Here we had some spectacular views on snowcapped volcanos, waterfalls and turquoise lakes. (take a look at the pictures)
We also met Jochen and Christina again with whom we did the hike in the Colca Canyon in Peru. So they joined our trip through the Lake District and we rented a cabin on the shore of the Lake Llanquihue at the base of the Osorno Vulcano. We went swimming in the lake and had a perfect view of the volcano.
One amazing thing we’ve seen or done
The whole Lake District is incredible beautiful so basically every day was amazing. But one adventure was by far the best. Near the town of Villarrica lies one of the most active volcanos in the world, Volcano Villarrica and we went to climb it. Because in this region the spring season has just started, the volcano is still covered with snow which made the trip amazing. After we were handed the proper equipment like crampons, boots for walking on snowy mountains and the ice-axe, we started the climb and after almost 4 hours we reached the crater of the volcano and had on one side the view over the whole Lake District and on the other we could look inside the crater and see the smoke from the volcano. And then we sledded all the way back to the base for more than 1 hour and had a lot of fun. This was such a perfect day
Next stop
Perito Moreno Glacier, Argentina
Clocotea smoala in crater
)))). Foarte faina zona!
Mda, si pe langa ca-i toxic fumu’ ala iti mai si taia respiratia cand iti intra in nari
Ciao Diana, LA MULTI ANI! Unde si cum sarbatoriti?
Merci Bianca, am sarbatorit la ghetarul Perito Moreno in Argentina. E unul din cele mai faine locuri pe care le-am vazut.
[Miha ] Cred ca o sa imi pun wallpaper cu cateva din pozele voastre…..de vis….
Voi cand va intoarceti din mega-excursia asta intrati in depresie?? ce se mai poate compara cu ce-ati vazut voi ??
La un moment dat trebuie sa se incheie si visul asta si sa ne trezim la realitate
dar si locurile de acasa sunt foarte frumoase asa ca inca am speranta ca n-o sa intram in depresie