"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." |
After a heavy rain which flooded the airport in Buenos Aires and led to the cancelation of all flights, we ended up spending the night in the airport. Fortunately for us, the airline tried to make it up on us and offered us a night in one of the most luxurious hotels in Puerto Iguazu and this package was probably more expensive than the flight tickets so in the end it was a good deal if it wouldn’t be for the experiences during the flight but that’s another story…
The Iguazu Falls are definitely one of the “Must See” destinations. We saw the Niagara Falls in June and that was amazing but the Iguazu Falls are on a different level. To give you an impression about the difference I can say that when the first lady Eleanor Roosevelt saw the Iguazu Falls she exclaimed “Poor Niagara…”.
The Iguazu Falls were voted one of the 7 wonders of nature. We visited the National Park on the Argentinian side because from this side you can get a closer look to the falls especially to the biggest of them “The Devil’s Throat”. Everything is very well organized and there are a lot of trails to see the falls from different viewpoints. The view of the falls is just amazing. It cannot be described in words and probably even the pictures don’t show its real beauty.
Next stop
Rio de Janeiro
Foarte tare! Sunt convins ca in realitate este de 10 ori mai faina decat arata pozele.
Chiar asa fotograf rau zici ca is
)))). Dar chiar erau incredibile si pacat ca nu reiese din poze.
Nu, ma …. dar avand experienta Rheinfall, ii clar ca nu poti prinde in poze exact dimensiuna reala …
Cat despre calitatile tale in arta fotografica, esti un mare meserias
. Asta asa ca sa-ti fac ziua buna :p
V-am pupat! Have fun!
M-ai uns la suflet
Si noi iti trimitem pupici de pe plajele braziliene